Welcome to the Childcare Establishment Locator!
The Childcare Establishment Locator lets you find contact information of all Québec childcare centres and daycare centres and see their location on a map. The locator indicates childcare services in operation and under development that the ministère de la Famille has authorized and that are expected to open within the next 18 months. The locator is updated every week
You can use the Childcare Establishment Locator to search by proximity, do a simple search or search by region.
For home childcare, using the search function by proximity makes it possible to determine if there is a home childcare facility within the search radius you entered. To make sure that you cover your whole region for home childcare establishments, it is advisable to expand the locator’s search radius. The search results will display the contact information of the coordinating office or offices with which the home childcare providers identified are affiliated. The coordinating office will facilitate your search with these childcare service providers.

All childcare establishments listed in the locator are recognized childcare service establishments. This means that they hold a permit issued by the Ministère de la Famille (in the case of childcare and daycare centres) or a recognition granted by a Home Childcare Coordinating Office (in the case of home childcare services). Parents can easily identify these daycare centres by looking for the Recognized Daycare Centre logo.
The Childcare Establishment Locator also allows you to access the results of inspections of childcare centres (CPEs) and daycare centres in Québec carried out since November 15, 2009. These results will help you learn more about the childcare establishments that interest you. To consult inspection results, go to the information page of the appropriate childcare or daycare centre and click on the icon
. If the centre has not been inspected since November 15, 2009, there might not be any information on it.
When registering your child in a childcare establishment, remember that the first step for parents seeking a space for their child in a childcare establishment is to create an account with La Place 0-5, the one-stop service for subsidized childcare spaces. La Place 0-5 is the only gateway for parents to register their children with the CPEs and subsidized daycare centres in Québec that interest them.
Childcare service directories by administrative region are also available. The directories provide the contact information of the childcare centres, daycare centres and home childcare coordinating offices for each region in Québec.
As of June 2, 2014, parents in the Centre-du-Québec, Lanaudière, Mauricie and Montréal regions must register through La Place 0-5 One-Stop Service. Parents in other regions will have access to the One-Stop Service as soon as the data from their region has been integrated.
The list of Québec-wide associations and umbrella groups and the list of regional associations and umbrella groups are also available through the Childcare Establishment Locator.
To get help or submit a change request, visit the help page. You can also contact the webmaster by email if you are experiencing problems.