Ministère de la Famille
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Childcare Establishment Locator

Childcare Establishment Locator

Welcome to the Childcare Establishment Locator!

The Childcare Establishment Locator allows you to find contact information for all Québec childcare centres and day care centres that are active or expected to open in the next 18 months. It is updated every week.

The listing of childcare centres or day care centres found using the locator features the results of inspections carried out by the Ministère in the last five years. These results will allow you to better know the educational childcare providers that interest you. To access it, click the Inspection results. button.

Search results for recognized home childcare only provides you with the contact information of the coordinating offices.

All childcare providers listed in the locator are recognized childcare providers.


As part of your search, remember to register your child with the Single Window Access to Childcare Services if you would like to access the recognized childcare provider.

To get help or submit a request for a change, go to Help. If you have problems, you can also contact the Website administrator by email.

Last modified date :
May 29, 2020