Ministère de la Famille
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Non-recognized persons providing childcare services in a family setting

Bill 143, An Act to Improve the Educational Quality and Foster the Harmonious Development of Educational Childcare Services, adopted on December 8, 2017, resulted in changes regarding non-recognized childcare services in a family setting, i.e. childcare services provided by a natural or legal person who has not been recognized by a home childcare coordinating office (CO) or who has not been issued a childcare permit by the Ministère.

As of May 1, 2018, persons who are not recognized by a CO or who do not hold a permit issued by the Ministère who provide or wish to provide childcare services in a family setting must meet certain conditions. Otherwise, such provision of childcare services could be deemed to be illegal.

A non-recognized person currently providing childcare services to a maximum of six children on May 1, 2018, has until September 1, 2019 to obtain a permit or become recognized and to comply with all conditions. If you are in such a situation, you may not provide childcare services to more than six children between May 1, 2018, and September 1, 2019. To obtain recognition, contact your local CO.

To help people meet these conditions, the Ministère de la Famille has prepared a guide for non-recognized persons providing childcare services in a family setting. The guide explains the 8 conditions to be met and sets out one's obligations as a non-recognized person.

One of the conditions to be met is to obtain an attestation stipulating the absence of any impediment for the person providing childcare services and for each person living in the home where childcare services are provided. To obtain these attestations, you must submit a request to your local police force using the Verification Consent Form. The process for obtaining attestations is described in the guide and summarized in the main steps for verifying the absence of any impediment.

Finally, the Act has been amended to impose, among other things, requirements respecting the health and safety of children receiving non-recognized childcare services. These provisions are of utmost importance to the Ministère, and the new requirements applicable to non-recognized persons providing childcare services in a family setting must be interpreted as such.

Exception: Emergency Replacement

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Last modified date :
April 24, 2019