Myths and realities

There are several widespread myths about elder abuse. Here is the reality for 4 of these myths.
Most often, acts of elder abuse are inflicted by strangers.
In reality, elder abuse is often committed by people the victims know. -
Seniors quickly report their abuse situation.
In reality, seniors who suffer abuse are generally torn between their feelings for the abuser and the desire to report their situation. Some seniors may be dependent on their abuser.
Moreover, some seniors do not realize they are victims of abuse. -
The risk of being a victim of abuse varies according to the victim's income level.
In reality, anyone can be a victim of abuse, regardless of social status or income. Thus, all seniors are at equal risk of eventually suffering abuse. -
As people age, the ability to make choices and make well-considered financial decisions decreases considerably.
In reality, seniors are often able to make decisions and manage their own affairs. Seniors' mental faculties are much less impaired than most people believe.
It is true that some seniors suffer from cognitive deficiencies and may need increased support. However, this situation does not deprive them of the right to participate actively in the decisions that concern them.

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