Ministère de la Famille
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Abused Children

As a home childcare provider, you have an role to play in the detection and prevention of abuse of young children.

Your daily with children may reveal to you that one of them is a victim of sexual abuse, physical abuse or the absence of care endangering his or her physical health. The Youth Protection Act obliges you to report such cases to the Director of Youth Protection.

Your Coordinating Office can support you in this approach. It can also deploy useful measures to support you in prevention with abused children.

Reminder for home childcare providers whose recognition has been suspended

The recognition of an HCP must be immediately suspended in the following cases:

  • When a report leads the DYP to disclose information to the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions or a police force, pursuant to the Entente multisectorielle relative aux enfants victimes d'abus sexuels, de mauvais traitements physiques ou d'une absence de soins menaçant leur santé physique [multisectoral agreement concerning children who are victims of sexual abuse, physical ill-treatment or a lack of care threatening their physical health].
  • When a report is accepted for evaluation by the DYP. To establish whether or not a report must be accepted for evaluation, the DYP takes into account, among other things, the parent's capacity and will to end the situation in which the child's security or development is in danger. In the cases that concern us, this means whether or not the parent has withdrawn the child from the childcare service.

The report concerned must call into question the HCP, the assistant or a person living in the residence where the childcare services are provided.

The ministère de la Famille offers HCPs a guide explaining the steps that follow suspension.

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Last modified date :
April 26, 2022