Ministère de la Famille
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Children’s Use of Screens

In November 2017, the Canadian Paediatric Society posted its position statement Screen time and young children: Promoting health and development in a digital world.

This document provides evidence-based guidance grounded in four principles:

  • minimize use of screens;
  • mitigate the negative effects of screen use;
  • be mindful of screen use;
  • set an example of healthy habits.

For its part, in September 2016, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) published Le temps d’écran, une autre habitude de vie associée à la santé (French only). This document presents the recommendations of various organizations regarding screen exposure for children under 5 years of age and the effects of screen time on their health.

These principles echo the concerns of the Ministère de la Famille in this regard, particularly as stated in the Educational Childcare Act, the Educational Childcare Regulation, and the Gazelle and Potiron framework. These documents may also serve as complementary tools to support childcare establishments in meeting their objectives.

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Last modified date :
August 20, 2019