Ministère de la Famille
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Diet exercises a major influence on children's growth and health. In educational childcare centres, as at home, it is essential to give children a variety of different foods that are appealing, tasty and nutrient-dense, and in sufficient amounts.

The childcare provider, in addition to composing healthy menus, promotes good eating habits and pays attention to food allergies and intolerances.

Meals and snacks

Childcare providers who provide meals and snacks must:

  • ensure these meals and snacks are compliant with Canada’s food guide recommendations;
  • follow your written instructions regarding you child's meals and snacks, if the child is restricted to a special diet prescribed by a member of the Collège des médecins du Québec or by a specialized nurse practitioner;
  • keep and serve food under sanitary conditions and at the appropriate temperature; 
  • post a weekly menu for consultation by the staff and the parents. Note that a home childcare provider is not required to post a menu, but must nonetheless inform you of the contents of meals and snacks;

If your child occupies a reduced-contribution space, the childcare service must provide the child with:

  • two snacks if your child is kept at snack time;
  • one meal, generally the noon meal.

Healthy food habits

The educational program applied must include promotion and prevention services intended to give your child an environment favourable to the development of:

  • healthy lifestyles;
  • healthy food habits;
  • and behaviours that beneficially influence your child's health and welfare.

Responsible Food

Canada’s food guide stresses the fact that food choices can impact the environment. Among other things, it recommends eating foods that come from plants more often than foods that come from animals and reducing food waste. Educational childcare centres can make a difference by making responsible food choices.

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Last modified date :
March 25, 2022